Friday, August 24, 2018

My Contribution for Manajemen

Contribution for Manajement

Contribution is something that is done to help produce or achieve something together with others, or to help make something successful. When we contribute, it means that we give something of value to others, such as money, things, hard work or our time
Im Gitarianto, a management collager at UNJ. I was born in Jakarta, May 6 2000. The reason I chose marketing management is that all companies need a marketing person, whether it's a small company or a large company. Before they launch a product, the company will do research first to find out the market conditions and all the settings so that their products selling can be achieved the target
because in the business world one of the activities that must be done is marketing. When we talk about marketing it definitely requires management so that marketing activities can run smoothly and on target. Management is a process of managing or regulating an activity to achieve certain goals through a group of people who can bring results. Marketing management includes efforts to maintain the survival of the company because it deals directly with consumers as product users. So marketing management can be interpreted as an activity of a company that is closely related to the market situation.
In the era of competition, the more stringent business actors must be clever in choosing the marketing strategy used. Offering products that are needed by consumers with better quality than other products and different will be an important point in increasing consumer satisfaction over product use. So that consumers want and are willing to re-enjoy what is offered by the company and become loyal customers for the company. For this reason, as a marketing manager must be able to keep up with the times so that products can be accepted by consumers according to their time.
Marketing is not an activity that is easy for everyone. Need planning in these activities to be in line with expectations. The number of competitors in the business world can be used as one of the obstacles in offering products to consumers, if one chooses a strategy and is not run according to plan, to get satisfaction from consumers will be impossible. So that the desire to obtain maximum benefits will be difficult to obtain. The survival of the company will also be threatened due to the wrong choice of marketing strategy used.
Marketing is one of the main activities carried out by a company to maintain its survival, to develop, and to make a profit
In the future, as long as I start my lectures in Management, I will try my best and can complete the lecture as quickly as possible. Maybe I will also take part in various activities held by management such as extracurricular activities in non-academic fields because I have to be balanced between academic and non-academic because my body has to keep moving instead of just sitting still in class.
I am aware that I am proud to enter the best faculty on my campus, and become a flagship program in various national campuses in Indonesia. Because Management is a science where we can manage the course of an activity and this knowledge is useful in the era of globalization and MEA. Many companies that want quality management and motivate me to try harder in the face of globalization competition.
Some of the targets that I want to achieve in management are getting satisfactory grades so that they can graduate with values that my parents can be proud of, because they have struggled for me so much until now and so on. As a child, I feel proud and grateful to have parents who are still able to pay for college fees. Many people out there can't feel the warmth of the lecture bench.
There will be a lot of lectures where I don't understand in detail how and how to apply it. There I have the determination to be able and able to understand the subject that I am living with. It is a challenge for me whether I am able or not to study at this level.
Besides that, I will also try to make the good name of management at UNJ better and more familiar throughout Indonesia and become the Best Management Department in Indonesia and known not only in Indonesia, but internationally.
At the beginning I joined PKKMB breafing activities, I felt awkward and I saw that my friends had advantages in various things from me, there I felt awkward and I lacked confidence in what I was going to do. It needed adjustments to the new environment and adaptation to friends that we will see and will be together for the next few years. And I hope it will be a fun day when I start studying later
Indonesia is a large and broad country, with all its culture and resources, Indonesia must strive to increase its economic growth by not relying on assistance from foreigners. We as management students are prospective candidates for a nation leader who together build and enhance and create creative ideas in growing the Indonesian economy.
At present, there are a lot of problems in the economic field in Indonesia that seem to be inseparable from society. Unemployment and poverty are the most common problems. The poverty problem that exists in Indonesia cannot be underestimated. Because with so many poor people, the ability to meet needs will be so low that many poor people cannot afford to pay for education. Let alone to pay for education, to meet daily needs is also very difficult because the price is too strangling the neck of the poor. With no education, knowledge and expertise will certainly not be owned and work will also be difficult to obtain so that unemployment is created everywhere. Does not work then does not get money, does not have money, it will become poor, cannot pay for school, do not have the expertise, then it is difficult to find work and eventually unemployed, so on.
Economy which is the most important field should get special attention from the government. The government is expected to do its best so that it can overcome these economic problems. Many government efforts to overcome this problem, including free school programs, cheap markets, social services or other programs. However, not a few are actually wrong and not successful.
Students as young intellectuals are required to think critically and contribute positively to the economic development of the nation. Students act as agents of change that will determine the direction of change in Indonesia students can contribute creative thoughts in an effort to overcome problems and for economic development efforts Indonesia. Many things can be done by students if they have creative thoughts so that they can be a solution to existing economic problems. Certainly need to cooperate with the government. These creative ideas must still be channeled to the government to consider the feasibility of his ideas.